Toronto Easter Bible Conference

About TEBC



As the only surviving member of the original TEBC committee, I have been asked to give a brief overview of the history of the TEBC since these early days as follows. One is conscious that much more could be said, and names given of the beloved brethren who have led the TEBC over the past decades, but their true reward is yet to come in the Glory.
For some years before Toronto Easter Conference was formed, an annual easter conference had been held in the East side of Toronto sponsored by assemblies around that area and beyond. Eventually, it became evident that the logistics of handling the large numbers attending from all of southern Ontario was becoming increasingly difficult. At this point Dr. George Mair and John Baird of Westmount assembly had thoughts about convening a conference in the West side of the city which would cater to assemblies in SW Ontario, including the Niagara Peninsula. With this in mind, they invited assemblies in Toronto, and SW Ontario, to send representatives to a meeting at Westmount to determine if there was support for such a venture, and to indicate their willingness to identify potential committee members to be part of the Toronto Easter Bible Conference (TEBC) committee. The meeting was well attended, and there was a consensus of opinion the proposed conference should proceed.
To facilitate the motion to proceed, Dr. G. Mair, assumed the position of Chairman of the newly formed TEBC. Thereafter, various sub-committees were formed, each with their chairmen and members, to handle the various areas of responsibility e.g., Platform ministry; Music; Catering; Child-care; Secretary; Audio, Lighting, and recording of messages.
For the past 30+ years, the TEBC has been a source of blessing to the assemblies in the area. The standard of ministry has been of the highest quality, and the fellowship enjoyed between attendees has been a blessing to all. We owe a debt to the many faithful brethren who had the vision to convene the TEBC, and to those who have chaired the conference committee since, most of whom have now gone to their eternal reward. As the custodians of the sacred charge that they have passed on to the present generation, we honor their memory by maintaining the spiritual standards that they established