Toronto Easter Bible Conference

Micah Tuttle

Our Invited Speaker is

Micah Tuttle


Micah and Amy Tuttle have been married for 23 years, they have 6 Children. 3 boys and 3 girls. The Tuttle’s were commended to the Lord’s work by Eastgate Bible Chapel in Portland Oregon in the year 2000. They went to Peru and began to do mission work in the Andes mountains and in the Amazon rainforest. The Lord enabled them to start a few churches and bible institutes in the jungle where the work is now flourishing. Presently the Tuttle’s are based in Dubuque IA and are trying to encourage a younger generation in the areas of evangelism, discipleship, church planting and missions. The Lord has recently opened up many doors for Micah and Amy to do an itinerant ministry in the USA and abroad.

Academic degrees and training:

  • Licensed journeyman electrician
  • Theology and biblical studies major (Emmaus)
  • Anthropology and missions minor (Emmaus)